Monday, February 18, 2008

PSP-HUD version 1.31 Review

PSP-HUD v1.31 was created by Darko for 3.80 M33-4 and is a "Heads-Up Display" plugin showing cpu speed, battery life percentage remaining, and the current time. You install it in the "seplugins" folder and enable in the recovery menu like all other plugins. Here is the readme file which has all the details:

PSP-HUD v1.31 - January, 18th 2008.

This is a plugin for PSP CWF 3.80M33-4 (update 4 is required) that displays some basic info on screen:
- CPU speed and CPU usage
- BUS speed
- battery status (percent and time left)
- local time

Put hud.prx and hud.lang in seplugins directory on your PSP memory stick
and append ms0:/seplugins/hud.prx to vsh.txt and game.txt files.

Default configuration is to show CPU speed, battery percent left and local time in bottom right corner.
Default button setup is:
- NOTE+LTRIG to access configuration menu.
- NOTE+RTRIG to turn HUD completely ON/OFF.
When you exit menu configuration will be automatically saved in ms0:/seplugins/hud.cfg
If button configuration is changed and you can't enter menu anymore (or can't rembember) delete hud.cfg and restart PSP.

Known problems:
Display is not perfect and is usualy best shown in bottom left or right corners but it really depends on program or game running.

Version History:

January, 18th 2008. v1.31
- updated for 3.80M33-4 (actually droped previously used NIDs for 3.71 and now using NIDs from pspsdk)
- new translations: german (two translations), dutch, italian, spanish, polish and turkish

I won't be accepting any more translations and I'm planing to drop translations for future versions (it's easier for me).

January, 10th 2008. v1.3
- added language menu option
- added serbian and french language (thanks to Mizou93 for french translation)

January, 7th 2008. v1.22
- fixed cpu usage display

January, 6th 2008. v1.21
- slightly improved display

January, 5th 2008. v1.2
- buttons for menu and HUD are configurable within configuration menu
- add custom alignment (adjust with analog)

January, 4th 2008. v1.1
- added cpu usage and bus speed
- menu is now accessed with NOTE+LTRIG
- toggle HUD with NOTE+RTRIG
- redesigned menu selection (looks nice now)

January, 4th 2008. v1.0
- initial version

You can see the HUD in the lower right corner of this screen shot. I play games for review in short spurts because I have limited time. I often wonder what time it is but while in game you can't see the time or battery life left so this plugin comes in very handy.

I haven't had any comflicts with games, apps, or other plugins so I feel confident recommending PSP-HUD. It works well, does what is supposed to do, and takes up very little screen space. Well done Darko.